Thursday, April 30, 2020

Haiku 365/365 Melted Snow

melted snow
spring colors

Woo hoo Haiku 365 is complete!

Haiku 365
took 562
goal complete

What comes next? Looking them all over and selecting the 20 I think are best and do some revising.
If you have a favorite let me know which one it is. 

Haiku 364/365 Motivation is Lost

motivation is lost
sore feet gloomy weather 
share blame

Haiku 363 Went to the Garden

out to the garden
picked a prize
waiting for the pop

Haiku 362 Lilac Buds

lilac buds
fill me with hope
of better days to come

Haiku 361 Foot Pain

foot pain
alters routine and mood
please don't be something serious

Haiku 360 Late March Snow

late March snow
no feelings of delight
just signs and scowls

Monday, April 6, 2020

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Haiku 352-353 Sunshine Blue Skies Clouds Roll In

sunshine-blue skies
dry roads
bike calls

clouds roll in
winds pick up temps drop
bike anyway

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Haiku 351 Facebook Memory

Facebook memory
brought tears to my eyes
mom's been gone a year

Haiku 350 Series of Crunches

series of crunches
while stealing bird's food
must result in super abs

Friday, March 20, 2020

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Haiku 341 Drab Little Finch

drab little finch
showing bits of color
welcome sight

Haiku 340 Gloomy Day

gloomy day
fits my mood
need to change

Haiku 339 Events Canceled

events canceled
mandated closings-stay home
a new way of life

Haiku 338 Tiny Gems

tiny gems
popping up through debris
brightening the world

Haiku 337 Social Distancing

social distancing
back to slow start mornings
introverted life

Haiku 336 Fever Has Hit

Hmmm, no picture for this one yet. We had a nice spring almost summery day last week when I jotted this one down.

fever has hit
bike out-curtains blowing
snowmen put away

Haiku 335 It's Trying

it's trying 
temps rising-sun out
crocus popping through

Haiku 334 Plethora of...

plethora of
cardinals and blue jays
disappeared with the snow

I know...not a good picture but I don't have many of all the birds, I tend to focus on individual birds. Now that the snow is gone there's just one or two cardinals or blue jays in the yard instead of a flock. 

Haiku 333 Wee Ones Fill the Tree

wee ones fill the tree
hopping brace to branch
waiting for a turn

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Haiku 332 Seasonal Fight

seasonal fight
spring wins 
today's round

(There is still some snow on the ground. 
I didn't take off this morning to capture the fog 
so settled for an old picture to pair with the haiku.)

Haiku 331 Activating Brain Cells

activating brain cells
trying something new
that no one will see

Haiku 330 Millions of Diamonds

millions of diamonds
shimmering in morning light
quickly disappear 

Haiku 329 She Decorated

she decorated
the trees overnight
morning comes-she blows it away

Haiku 328 Warm and Sunny

warm and sunny
OK-ready for spring
Mother Nature-not so fast

Haiku 327 Valentine's Day Special

Valentine's Day special
never showed full potential 
beauty still exists

Haiku 326 Light Jacket-Bird Calls

light jacket-bird calls
sun's warmth on my face
I can feel it coming

Haiku 325 Click Click Click

click click click
same subject
hoping for something special

Haiku 324 Sitting Outside My Window

sitting outside my window
constantly chirping
'Where's the seeds?'

Monday, February 17, 2020

Haiku 323 I'm Innocent

I'm innocent
ball of floss in my mouth
proves I'm trying to help

(woo hoo-I got them all caught up in one night)

Haiku 322 Drapped in White Garland

drapped in white garland
tiny jewels sparkle everywhere
forest celebrates late arrival

Haiku 321 Flashes of Red

flashes of red
dipping up and down
landing briefly-off again

Haiku 320 Into the Woods

into the woods
bathe in nature's beauty
soothe the soul

Haiku 319 World is White

world is white
feeders are full
eating in peace

Haiku 318 Blooms While I'm Gone

blooms while I'm gone
falls to its death
upon my return

Haiku 316 Band of Jays Swoop In

band of jays swoop in
fighting for a turn
while another snatches prize

teaching self to draw
activating new brain cells
keeping it hidden

(nope you won't see my drawings)

Haiku 315 Unexpected Sight

unexpected sight
hiking in winter
surrounded by summer's color

I haven't totally forgotten about haikus. I've been writing a few I just haven't been posting. 
I'll be trying to get caught up the next few days.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Haiku 312 Wouldn't You Like to Know

wouldn't you like to know
what these creatures are thinking
on cold winter days

Monday, January 13, 2020

Haiku 311 Beach Walk Find

beach walk find
from years ago
fits today's macro theme

I'm trying to get back in the habit of participating in Flickr's Macro Mondays group on a regular basis. Today's theme was triangle.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Haiku 309 Dear Mother Nature

Dear Mother Nature 
Please return winter
Snowflakes are greatly missed

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Monday, January 6, 2020

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Friday, January 3, 2020

303 Remnant of Fall

remnant of fall
attempting to protect itself
from the elements