Monday, February 17, 2020

Haiku 323 I'm Innocent

I'm innocent
ball of floss in my mouth
proves I'm trying to help

(woo hoo-I got them all caught up in one night)

Haiku 322 Drapped in White Garland

drapped in white garland
tiny jewels sparkle everywhere
forest celebrates late arrival

Haiku 321 Flashes of Red

flashes of red
dipping up and down
landing briefly-off again

Haiku 320 Into the Woods

into the woods
bathe in nature's beauty
soothe the soul

Haiku 319 World is White

world is white
feeders are full
eating in peace

Haiku 318 Blooms While I'm Gone

blooms while I'm gone
falls to its death
upon my return

Haiku 316 Band of Jays Swoop In

band of jays swoop in
fighting for a turn
while another snatches prize

teaching self to draw
activating new brain cells
keeping it hidden

(nope you won't see my drawings)

Haiku 315 Unexpected Sight

unexpected sight
hiking in winter
surrounded by summer's color

I haven't totally forgotten about haikus. I've been writing a few I just haven't been posting. 
I'll be trying to get caught up the next few days.