Thursday, April 30, 2020

Haiku 365/365 Melted Snow

melted snow
spring colors

Woo hoo Haiku 365 is complete!

Haiku 365
took 562
goal complete

What comes next? Looking them all over and selecting the 20 I think are best and do some revising.
If you have a favorite let me know which one it is. 

Haiku 364/365 Motivation is Lost

motivation is lost
sore feet gloomy weather 
share blame

Haiku 363 Went to the Garden

out to the garden
picked a prize
waiting for the pop

Haiku 362 Lilac Buds

lilac buds
fill me with hope
of better days to come

Haiku 361 Foot Pain

foot pain
alters routine and mood
please don't be something serious

Haiku 360 Late March Snow

late March snow
no feelings of delight
just signs and scowls

Monday, April 6, 2020

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Haiku 352-353 Sunshine Blue Skies Clouds Roll In

sunshine-blue skies
dry roads
bike calls

clouds roll in
winds pick up temps drop
bike anyway