Thursday, August 29, 2019

Haiku 228 From a Temporary Home

From a temporary home
a true miracle
will emerge.

My son is lucky enough to have 2 chrysalis hanging on his back porch! Of course I had to head up there today to take some pictures. Keeping my fingers crossed I'll get to take pictures just before it emerges and maybe just maybe as it happens. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Haiku 226 & 227 Monarchs in my Garden

This happened at the end of July! Milkweed started growing in my back flower garden several years ago. Since I knew Monarchs are in trouble I let it go and slowly it has spread to about 10 plants. This year as I was weeding I noticed a larva-I was so excited. As I continued to work I noticed a butterfly looking like she was laying eggs and sure enough I found one. I saw the larva after it hatched as well, so tiny. Out of the four larvas I saw I'm pretty sure only one made it to the stage of turning into a chrysalis but I could not find it. 

Joyful day-a first
In my own garden
Monarch life cycle begins

Ooh, could it be?
Why yes, right there
hungrily chewing holes.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Haiku 225 Missed During Its Prime

Sorry about my absence! Back in June my external hard drive started having issues and I could no longer access my photos consistently. In July it became impossible soooo....I finally got it to a computer store. They are working on restoring it but it is taking a week or two to copy each folder so it may be quite a while before I get it back. A lesson learned in needing to back up photos-truly I've been very lucky all these years! And a lesson in patience. I have finally found another place to download my photos and as I edit them I will begin to add haikus back to this space. I didn't quit writing them, although I didn't do it daily I did write them quite frequently. 

Missed during its prime
now prime subject matter
for fall's sneak peak!