Thursday, January 31, 2019

Haiku 115 Mid Morning View

Mid morning view
keeping an eye on the crowd
that's feasting on brunch.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Haiku 114 Winter's Snow

Winter's snow
provides a wide brimmed hat,
missing a feather.

This was taken while snowshoeing yesterday. Such a beautiful day to be out.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Macro Monday-Cloth

This weeks theme was cloth. This past December my husband and I celebrated our 38th wedding anniversary. My mom taught me how to make this folded star, back then. I used the fabrics from my wedding dress, the bridesmaid's dresses and the jr bridesmaid's dresses as a keepsake. My mom had made my dress as well as the bridesmaids dresses. I'm in the process of weeding out stuff I don't need. But this...I'm hanging onto.

Haiku 113 Shades of Brown, Green, White

Shades of brown, green, white
Winger's typical pallet
A colorful find-joy!

Nice to find some bright color while on a snowshoe hike.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Haiku 112 Collecting Snowflakes

Collecting snowflakes
Silently sitting sentry
all is safe for now.

I need to trim some branches out of my lilac so it's easier to take pictures of the birds that like to sit in it while feasting on the seeds I give them. And I get to stay nice and warm while I take the pictures from my work room. 

Haiku 111 Saranac to Saranac?

Saranac to Saranac?
Commitment, endurance, strength...
Yes! Training starts now.

Three years ago I met up with the crew at the last rest stop to take my son a different bike.
Two years ago I followed this ride and took lots of photos along the way.
Last year I followed the ride halfway and then rode my bike the second half. 
This goal is to do the whole ride. It starts in Saranac NY and ends at the Saranac Brewery in Utica.
Training must begin now!

Friday, January 25, 2019

Haiku 110 Winter Was Here

Winter was here,
Spring rains came, winter returned
All in a matter of days.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Haiku 108 Face Plant off the Deck

Face plant off the deck?!
Since when is snow powdery? 
So embarrassing... 

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Haiku 107 Unnatural Colors

Unnatural colors
mimicking winter nighttime
computer enhanced

Yesterday it was too windy to take frozen bubble pictures but today it was only -5 when I headed out and very calm. 

Monday, January 21, 2019

Haiku 106/365 Fluffing Feathers

Fluffing feather,
flying from feeders to trees,
staying warm and full.

This was taken yesterday as the storm wound down. The storm certainly has brought all the birds back to the feeders and providing me with entertainment to watch and try and capture.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Haiku 105/365 It Snowed! It Snowed!

It snowed! It snowed!
Run! Jump! Leap like a gazelle!
I am so happy!

Winter storm Harper left us with at least 11" of snow. I'm not sure who is happier, my pup or me!

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Haiku 104/365 Gathered at the Feeders

Gathered at the feeders
taking turns, eating, repeat
prepping for the storm.

We might get up to 18" of snow tonight and tomorrow! We're over 6" so far. 
I'm as excited as a little kid!  

Friday, January 18, 2019

Haiku 103/365 Let the Garden Go

Let the garden go
color and softness contrast
winter's beauty.

The flakes were tiny but pretty this morning. 
I'm hoping for more opportunities to catch their perfection this weekend.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Haiku 102/365 Patterns Taking Over

Patterns taking over-
gaps will disappear quickly.
Then-wind blows and pop!

Haiku 101/365 First Time Out

I love my Tubbs! Hopefully after this weekend's storm I can get out in some deeper and quieter snow!

First day out-
crunchy noisy snow layer!
Enjoying the beauty.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

100/365 Chocolate is Hidden

Chocolate is hidden-
veggies and fruits are plentiful 
back to healthy habits.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Haiku 98/ 365 Keep Active Learn New Things

Keep active-learn new things
haikus, doodling, biking goals-
retirement life.

What other advice do you have or have you heard for new retirees?

I'm working on writing a haiku a day-although I've missed a few days.
I'm teaching myself how to sketch,
I downloaded the NY Times crossword puzzle,
I joined a new photo challenge group,
and I have some ambitious biking goals for 2019 which means I'm exercising and preparing now.

I welcome other advice!

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Haiku 97/365 Look Very Closely

Look very closely.
A kneeling garden fairy
happy that it snowed.

We finally got out for our first snowshoe hike of the season! 
I'm always on the look out for little details to shoot. 

Friday, January 11, 2019

Haiku 96/365 Feeling Frustrated

Feeling Frustrated
ah, right, new light, learning curve-
finally one that's ok.

I got a new ring light for my macro lens. I'm not comfortable when it comes to using a flash and this one is flashing too bright. I have to keep playing and look for some tips online. The directions that came with it are not real helpful. Leaning new things is good for the brain....

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Haiku 95/365 Winter's Gift

Winter's gift-
worth frozen fingers and toes-
arrived briefly today.

I've been waiting all winter for some good snowflakes to photograph. 
This one isn't worth printing but it's the closest I've gotten this year. 
I'm thankful that I'm retired and could get out there to give it a try!
I was also trying out my new ring flash. :)

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Haiku 94/365 What Could Smell So Good

What could smell so good
you need to rub in it?
For me- might be lavender.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Haiku 93/365 It Fell Through the Night

It fell through the night
teachers woke to school delays
grateful to slow down.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Haiku 91/365 A Winter Picnic

A winter picnic.
Hot chocolate, soup, chili?
Frozen custard please.

I saw this gem at a park while hiking today.

I've slipped with no haikus for a couple days. I'll just pick up where I left off...

Dogwood Photography Challenge Week 1 Self Portrait without Showing Your Face

I'm going to try a new photo challenge this year; The Official Dogwood Photography Challenge. 
Week 1-Self Portrait Without Showing Your Face

Here is my description:
Week 1 Self Portrait 

I decided to shoot a collection of items that represent me.

The bike shoes represent my goal for this year-increasing the number of rides I participate in, since I recently retired from over 30 years of teaching. So far I have 10 rides planned. 5 of them are near and dear to my heart-The Ride for Missing Children-the main one being in my home town the other four spread out across NY. That leads into the photo card. For my fundraising the past two years I have sold cards with my photos on them. My most popular cards are the ones picturing snowflakes. This in turn leads to my macro lens-my absolute favorite lens. The snowflake card and the snowman show my love of winter as well as my occasional crafty side. The dried flower represents my love of gardening as well as my quest to find beauty in objects past their prime. I’ve been married for 38 years and all but just a few of of those years we’ve had a Springer Spaniel in our home. I love kid’s books and did well to only bring home a 100 or so of the thousands that I had bought for my classroom. I particularly love books that feature photography. And finally, I collect vintage cameras and flower frogs oh and old suitcases.

I’m looking forward to the challenges this year and the growth I’m sure I’ll experience. I’m already wowed by a few of the photos I peaked at.

One Word for 2019-Strength

As a newly retired teacher my goal for this year is to make it a year of cycling challenges, I have 10 in mind so far, all over 40 miles, most over 80.  Not working is going to allow me to get more time on my bike...I hope. Our fall was rainy and the winter has not been to pretty...hopefully we'll have a good spring and summer! Anyway, for these challenges I need to be strong so... strength is my word. My mom is 93 and watching her deteriorate over the years plus watching a video recently that stated the number one reason people need assisted living is due to the fact that people lose strength and can't do basic tasks like using the bathroom, also motivates me to keep increasing my strength! 

What's your word for the year? 

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Haiku 90/365 Macro Mondays Shot

It's been awhile since I took my Macro Monday shot early. I'm not thrilled with this shot so now I have time to come up with some new ideas. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Haiku 89/365 Peek Behind the Bark

Favorite Pictures from 2018

I've seen other posts like this so I decided to give it a try. Here's a favorite photo from each month of 2018. One thing I learned is I need to take more pictures of family with my good camera.





May-My daughter is the third from the left.



August-my son on the left





Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Haiku 88/365 Knock Knock. Who's There?

Knock knock. Who's there?
An elusive bird often heard
but hard to capture.

And of course I mean capture with my camera. :)

Haiku 87/365 Really? Yip, yippee!

Really? Yip, yippee!
Tomorrow is a new year!
Let's run like crazy!

I took this crazy dog for a walk in our local town park New Year's Eve day. We were alone so I let her run. She loves that-a dog that won't walk around the block lol. I knew by today the snow would be gone and it'd be a muddy mess. We both enjoyed our adventure.

The picture below is at the end of the hike. She knew we had passed the car but I wanted to make sure I hit the 3 mile mark. I'm sure she did close to 6 miles!